
Transforming doctors from the treadmill medicine mindset to having it all living The One Percent Life.


Transforming doctors from the treadmill medicine mindset to having it all living The One Percent Life.

Freedom for a physician is to stop trading time for dollars.

This requires a mindset transition from “the daily doctor” to the “One Percent Doctor” and my unique process is the only way to do this efficiently.

I’m not selling you a new course, widget, gadget, or specialty. I’m offering to walk you through a new way to practice medicine and live life on your terms.


How would you like to significantly increase your income and cut your time at work in half?

  • What more would you do with your family?

  • How would you transform your personal health?

  • How would waking up having fun and being focused transform your well-being?

How would you like to significantly increase your income and cut your time at work in half?

  • What more would you do with your family?

  • How would you transform your personal health?

  • How would waking up having fun and being focused transform your well-being?

In early 2020 The pandemic hit and it significantly grew my healthcare consulting business.

Every engagement started with helping doctors and practices implement telemedicine, (something I had mastered over the last decade).

The challenge is every physician has a unique practice with special needs to solve, therefore it required me to test my proprietary process on dozens of doctors and their businesses with a 100% success rate!

Outcomes of more money, more free time, more fulfillment, more family time, more options, more opportunity all on their terms!

Why did it work so well, because 99% of doctors never experience this sort of awakening to how they do business.

Most doctors think they need to learn about a new service, a new device, a new idea, or some other gleaming “next best thing” but never choose to go through the process of reframing the way they see practicing medicine.

You are never taught this way of thinking in medical school. This doesn’t fit their curriculum.

Like I said, they do not teach you this way of thinking in medical school. The insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies want you to stick to the script, but if you are reading this, the old way no longer works for you, and you know there is a way out.

Who knows when the next unexpected healthcare catastrophe happens. Beginning this transformation process now will ensure that not only you weather the next storm, but you prosper in it. You can build unshakable businesses in healthcare today.


The biggest difference between me and you is that I never went to medical school.

I was on a mission to bring healthcare to patients in a whole new way and have managed to build, run, exit, and consult for dozens of healthcare businesses.

I didn’t learn healthcare the way you did, I learned it from a different perspective, a perspective I want to share with you.

Over the last decade I have had lots of success, witnessed tens of thousands of patients helped, but the most rewarding experience is seeing the doctors I have worked with transform to the best version of themselves.

A renewed mindset, renewed belief systems, and a renewed confidence that radiates through their business, family, and the person they become that everyone admires.

The biggest difference between me and you is that I never went to medical school.

I was on a mission to bring healthcare to patients in a whole new way and have managed to build, run, exit, and consult for dozens of healthcare businesses.

I didn’t learn healthcare the way you did, I learned it from a different perspective, a perspective I want to share with you.

Over the last decade I have had lots of success, witnessed tens of thousands of patients helped, but the most rewarding experience is seeing the doctors I have worked with transform to the best version of themselves.

A renewed mindset, renewed belief systems, and a renewed confidence that radiates through their business, family, and the person they become that everyone admires.


The path my already be obvious

we need to transform your mindset and ability

from doctor to Super Entrepreneur.

What is the difference between you and every doctor you can think of making millions of dollars a year?

They are traveling with family, doing interviews, and run multiple businesses.

What do you think the difference is? Luck?

The path my already be obvious

we need to transform your mindset and ability from doctor to Super Entrepreneur.

What is the difference between you and every doctor you can think of making millions of dollars a year?

They are traveling with family, doing interviews, and run multiple businesses.

What do you think the difference is? Luck?

Unlock an Exclusive Partnership for Your Medical Career Advancement

Embrace a unique opportunity to collaborate one-on-one over the next year, tailoring a strategy that propels your practice forward. Together, we'll schedule our initial comprehensive strategy session and arrange periodic visits for in-depth consultations.

We will also set up our 1 on 1 calls for every other week. I also want you to have my personal cell (The Bat Phone) to text if you need me for some last-minute assistance.

One of the best assets of this program is you get exclusive access to our weekly Group mastermind calls with other winning doctors living the one percent life.

Last, but not least I have an app to get you set up on. This is where we will do a lot of the work. This app is like your personal Time Machine!


This should be you

This is what I help do.

They didn’t learn this in medical school, they didn’t learn this in business school either. Most of them figured this out the hard way for over a decade on their own spending hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I have helped doctors like you start $500k plus a year side hustles that they spend a few hours a month on.

Exit their practice for mid 7 figures and start new ones.

Transform their current practice to revenue printing machines that run without them on the day to day…

I have helped doctors like you start $500k plus a year side hustles that they spend a few hours a month on.

Exit their practice for mid 7 figures and start new ones.

Transform their current practice to revenue printing machines that run without them on the day to day…

The first step is a short application process

I can only efficiently take a limited amount of docs on at a time through this exclusive process.

Also,  I offer a money back guarantee, so I only work with doctors I know for sure are great candidates for my program.

I have even launched successful businesses with many of the doctors I have worked with.

And by now you have likely decided if you are done with the mediocre treadmill medicine mindset therefore you are ready to take your lifestyle to the next level…

Or, you have decided that fear, scarcity, and uncertainty are going to keep you from your future success story.


You have 3 options:

Option #1

Do nothing and

stay the course.

Option #2

Try to figure it

out yourself.

Option #3

Let me do the

heavy lifting.

This is all I know and all I have

done for the last 10+ years.

Join me and other docs like you living The One

Percent Doctor Life.

What sounds better to you? Nothing, figuring it out isolated, or go all in on what we can do together in the next year?

My goal is for you to substantially change your earning trajectory, get you closer to your family, get your health in peak performance and your overall well-being in zen mode.

This is the classic tale of the wishful and the willful.

Most people go to their grave with the regrets of actions they didn’t take.

I have room for 12 more action takers.

If you are still with me, then you are the true “One Percent”

let’s lock your spot in here, now.

You have 3 options:

Option #1

Do nothing and

stay the course.

Option #2

Try to figure it

out yourself.

Option #3

Let me do the

heavy lifting.

This is all I know and all I have

done for the last 10+ years.

Join me and other docs like you living The One Percent Doctor Life.

What sounds better to you? Nothing, figuring it out isolated, or go all in on what we can do together in the next year?

My goal is for you to substantially change your earning trajectory, get you closer to your family, get your health in peak performance and your overall well-being in zen mode.

This is the classic tale of the wishful and the willful.

Most people go to their grave with the regrets of actions they didn’t take.

I have room for 12 more action takers.

If you are still with me, then you are the true “One Percent”

Begin Your Transformation to a One Percent Doctor

Apply Now and Take the First Step Towards Redefining Success in Medicine and Life

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

Begin Your Transformation to a One Percent Doctor

Apply Now and Take the First Step Towards Redefining Success in Medicine and Life

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.


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